Looking back & In the Media // 4 to 27 NOV '22 // ROUW - a walk along places of loss by Marte Boneschansker in Plein Theater
From the 4th to the 27th of November on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Marte Boneschansker presented her latest project ROUW in Plein Theater located in Amsterdam-East.
In the media
Theater maker Marte Boneschansker made an intimate performance about mourning in all its facets - Volkskrant the 3th of november 2022.
According to Boneschansker, we have a number of different rituals for death, but not for example: heartbreak, illness or losing your job. She tries to explore how we can grieve collectively, even when we go through different processes.
After all the stories about loss, a long laid consolation table awaits - Theaterkrant 10th of November 2022.
Walking through the city you are suddenly aware of all the houses and the stories within them, what it means to say goodbye. When you return to Plein Theater you will find a big table covered . The mourning meal, composed by culinary storyteller Maureen de Jong, offers a wonderful conclusion to a walk about loss in all its facets. This makes Mourning a very successful performance about broken relationships, the loss of family, friendships and landscapes.
Walking with headphones on along places of mourning in Amsterdam-East: 'Many losses are answered with 'well, life goes on' - Parool 14th of November 2022.
The stories the participants hear are certainly not just about death. They also are about the mourning of declining health - that's the story you hear while sitting on Kastanjeplein you hear the story of a man with osteoarthritis who's body allows him to do less and less - or the loss of a father, a loved one who left or about an abortion. There are two different routes, which are walked with groups of four people at the same time.
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