
PT Zine // In god we lust

Religion and sexuality often form a complex and intriguing interplay within the human experience. Different religious traditions have diverse point of views, norms and regulations regarding sexuality, resulting in a wide range of approaches and attitudes.

Some religions approach sexuality as a sacred and intimate act designed to connect two people within the context of marriage. These views are typically rooted in the idea of ​​preserving family structure and creating a safe environment for raising children. Within this context, sexuality is often seen as a divine gift that must be approached with respect and responsibility.

On the other hand, there are religious communities that have a more open and tolerant attitude towards sexuality. They recognize the diversity of human relationships and accept different forms of sexuality, as long as they are based on mutual consent and respect for the rights and dignity of individuals.

Unfortunately, some religious doctrines have also contributed to sexual repression, shame and even discrimination. In some cases, certain sexual orientations, identities, or practices are considered sinful, which can lead to stigmatization and self-condemnation.

The relationship between religion and sexuality is constantly changing, and more and more believers are calling for a more inclusive approach. There are attempts to reinterpret religious doctrines and adapt them to modern understandings of sexuality, gender equality and diversity.

It is important to emphasize that individuals within religious communities have different point of views on sexuality, even within the same tradition. The complexity of this relationship underlines the importance of respectful dialogue and understanding between believers and non-believers, and between people with different religious beliefs. Promoting openness, tolerance and respect for diversity contributes to a more inclusive approach to sexuality within wider society.

- Handan Aydin (talkshowhost Amsterdam Talks Sex)

Amsterdam Talks Sex

The theater is the new chat room! The Plein Theater makes room for intimate live conversations in a safe setting. In the Amsterdam Talks Sex talkshow series, sex, love and relationship coach Handan Aydin breaks the ice around seksuality by talking to experts (by experience) and the audience, from a different point of view every time. The next edition on May 23 will be about Sexuality & Religion!

Amsterdam Talks Sex: Sexuality & Religion
23 mei 20:30 | Info & Tickets



Do you have something to say about the subject of Sexuality & Religion? Let us know and maybe we'll invite you to join us on the talk show! We also really appreciate it if you like to contribute ideas to our program, we have an open neighbourhood committee that anyone can join. Please contact Creative Producer Bibi Trompetter via bibi@plein-theater.nl.



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